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Captain’s diary #13: Happy New Year!

Ahoy, everyone! Captain Filip is back and this will be our last post of this year. I must say that for us this year was incredibly busy and exciting at the same time. In June we had our Kickstarter, which is where we presented the game for the first time after 6 years of continuous development. It was a thrilling but also dramatic time to see how players will react to COI. And as we promised in our crowdfunding campaign, we have delivered the closed Alpha in September. And a week ago we have launched the closed Beta, woohoo!

Mining a ramp in YSNP map (by WaldeckTBD)

We are very happy with Beta’s stability which gives us more time to work on improvements such as the new recipe book or custom storage alerts. The beta has also a wonderful reception in our community which might be also due to the fact that many changes we introduced there were based on feedback from our players. Don’t forget that your voice can be heard, just go to our featureupvote - a wonderful tool where you can vote for ideas you like and suggest your own (no account needed). We super closely monitor feedback from players and we also try to watch streams to collect some feedback.

Neat setup for parts production by ConstructionGamer

This week, we have also set up a MediaWiki on our server. This will be the official COI wiki!

I also want to give huge thanks to all the content creators who decided to give us a go on their youtube and twitch channels. It means tremendously much to us.

Power production from oil refinery (thanks to the new boiler in Beta). This is super neat setup done by Damien.

Next year will be even more exciting with COI EA coming to Steam. We have so many ideas pilled up that we are very far from done and you can look forward to many exciting updates. We are still drafting exact plans of features for the first EA launch and we still have to update our roadmap but to give you some idea, the main features for EA will be: performance, better food production chains & health system, recycling & rubbish management, larger mining equipment and more. Initially, we planned to keep adding more & more end-game content but we have noticed that not everyone gets into the end-game easily so we are going to focus on adding new content into the early - mid-game as well. That’s why food and recycling are going to make it into EA even though these were planned for later updates. As a trade-off, we are going to postpone our space program to later EA updates because we want to do build the space program on strong foundations. We are still going to try to deliver datacenters and microchips. We will provide you with an updated roadmap in the next update in January.

Yandersen's self sustaining and compact fertilizer setup

With this, I want to say huge thanks to our community. I hope you all had wonderful Christmas. I and Marek wish you a happy New Year 2022! I also hope next year will bring more stability, as they say - the third time is the charm.

The last thing you want to see on the YSNP map is this empty coal mine - by leggo (our discord memeber).


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