Frequently asked questions
Thanks for your interest! Below are answers to questions that we get asked frequently. If you have more questions, chat with us on our Discord server.
General questions
Is the game finished? When can I play it?
Early Access game is now available on Steam with more updates to come.
What platforms are you targeting?
We are now released for Windows PCs. We have several reports that game works fine on Linux (Proton) and Steam Deck and we are exploring MacOS. Release on consoles is currently not planned.
Can I help with something, like translations?
Thank you! We have a translation tool available that you can use to help us translate the game to your language. More details can be found here.
Can I provide my feedback?
We are very grateful for feedback from our players. This is also why we set up our feedback board where you can participate if you’re interested. Some of the feedback we received was already integrated into our previous updates.
Do you have a roadmap?
We are very agile in the development of COI, and we guide ourselves based on the feedback we receive continuously. We always try to put our energy into things that can have the biggest impact at that given point. And often some of these tasks come unexpectedly. Also, some features require fairly deep technical analysis before we can commit to them. And that’s why we moved away from roadmaps, it just doesn’t work for us to have things set in stone months or even years in advance. And even if we would provide one, everything would be strongly tentative.
Where is your game studio located?
We are fairly spread across - the US, UK and Czech Republic.
Features & gameplay questions
Is there going to be multiplayer?
We are focusing on a single-player experience first. However, if the community is interested, we are open to seriously consider a multiplayer after the release. Let us know what do you think!
Mod support?
Absolutely! We had so much fun with mods in other games we played so we'd love to give as much freedom as possible with modding API. In fact, our game is written as a mod on top of the core, so we are serious about it! You can already start experimenting with modding, more can be found on our GitHub. More support for mod management will come soon as well.
Are we going to have more islands? Or a generated one?
The game now offers multiple islands to choose from and we are going to provide a map editor, so stay tuned.
What are the plans for naval battles & pirates in general?
We know it would deserve more work, but we think that there needs to be more mechanics and ideas evolved around it before we dive into polishing it.
What about roads?
We deliberately ignored roads as a requirement to build. Because we want to allow the players to be able to easily build & expand without the need to worry about them. Many games introduce roads to simplify their path-finding. We don't have that constraint. However we do plan to add them as an optimization to increase vehicles speed (or reduce potentially added penalty for driving in mud) so players can build them to optimize hot-spots or longer distances. Or just to make things nicer :)
Do you plan power lines or other power distribution?
We think that having to manually connect every machine to a power grid is more of a chore than an entertaining experience. However one of the options we are considering are transformers that have a decent range and can be connected via high-voltage power lines.